In this series of contributions we present projects that are looking for ways to create (participatory) artistic walks in times…
// We shall soon discuss what own means; we can talk about this when we have some land, a garden, a nest. It…
p.u.r.e. body park
June 15 is the DAY of TRAFFIC SAFETY. In the context of the demonstration in Schönhauser Allee, Berlin, organised by…
sonic flux
#### Deutsche Version unten #### Sonic Flux and the Soft Listening Machines Voices, cries, tears, thunderings, rumblings, whistles and…
p.u.r.e. at PAF
p.u.r.e. is facilitating three p.u.r.e.-walks in the frame of Performing Arts Festival Berlin, May 28 – June 2, 2019 …
p.u.r.e. para-site
Four artists implant themselves parasitically for several hours in David Dunne’s Corridor. But the installation is a para-site itself, which…
Gap Dynamics
*** Deutsch – siehe unten *** After the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall…
M-O-A-N \’mōn \ a performance for two voices by Dona Jagdi 11 January 2019 | 19:00 alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt & galerie…
Ubiquity in the major variant of this effect, the sound and movement seems to come from everywhere and from nowhere…
Creatura a production of TanzuferInternational Concept, dance & voice: Paolo Cingolani (I), Bettina Neuhaus (NL), Ursula Sabatin (A) The…