Open Studio at Improvisation Xchange

The Open Studio is a format offered by Improvisation Xchange Berlin (29.07. – 09.08. 2015), an annual festival platform organized by berlin arts united. In Open Studios Berlin-based multidisciplinary performing groups and initiatives share their approaches to instant composition. The performers will refer to their strategies, focus, and artistic practices in a lab situation which will combine performance elements with practical experiences for the participants. Our Thursday Night performance lab is a part of this exchange project – we are happy to participate!

Thur 30.07.2015 MusikTanzNullDreißig – Friederike Motzkau (Flöte), Manuela Tessi (Tanz), Rieko Okuda (Klavier/ Keyboard)

Fri 31.07.2015 Solo Improvisation – Anna Bösche, Achim Krämer

Sat 01.08.2015 Solo Improvisation – Fiona Kelly, Annapaola Leso, Meltem Nil

Wed 05.08.2015 Jagna Anderson and guests, Performance Lab

Thur 06.08.2015 ImproLab Imprévu

Fri 07.08.2015 Instant pudding! Catharine Cary & Co., Guest performers from Paris

Sat 08.08.2015 Amerta Movement – Bettina Mainz, Lena Tempich u.a.