p.u.r.e. at PAF

p.u.r.e. is facilitating three p.u.r.e.-walks in the frame of Performing Arts Festival Berlin,
May 28 – June 2, 2019

A p.u.r.e. walk – a performative walk – is an adventure of (re)discovering, appropriation, interruption and (re)shaping the city. In the midst of our busy life we decelerate and enter the mode of environmental awareness: we immerse ourselves in a performance in which the city is improvising itself, it improvises us, we are improvising the city.

p.u.r.e. walk #1
Fri, 31 May, 6pm – 8pm, Wedding/Prenzlauerberg
info & tickets >>>

p.u.r.e. walk #2
Sat, 1 June, 2pm – 4pm, Berlin-Marzahn
info & tickets >>>

p.u.r.e. walk #3
Sat, 1 June, 7pm – 9pm, Regierungsviertel
info & tickets >>>

You are welcome to join!


The Berlin Performing Arts Festival is organized by LAFT – Landesverband freie darstellende Künste Berlin e. V. and is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.